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1#!/usr/bin/env python 


3import os 

4import numpy as np 

5from scipy.optimize import curve_fit 

6from numba import njit 

7import h5py 

8import codecs 

9import datetime 

10import pytz.reference 

11from sklearn.neighbors import KernelDensity 


13TIMEZONE = pytz.reference.LocalTimezone() 



16def gaussian(x, mean, sigma, A): 

17 return ( 

18 A 

19 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) 

20 / sigma 

21 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) 

22 ) 



25def gaussian_with_offset(x, mean, sigma, A, offset): 

26 return ( 

27 A 

28 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) 

29 / sigma 

30 * np.exp(-0.5 * (x - mean) ** 2 / sigma ** 2) 

31 + offset 

32 ) 



35def calculate_charges( 

36 waveforms, ped_min, ped_max, sig_min, sig_max, method="sum" 


38 """ 

39 Calculates the charges of an array of waveforms 


41 Parameters 

42 ---------- 

43 waveforms: np.array 

44 2D numpy array with one waveform in each row 

45 [[waveform1], 

46 [waveform2], 

47 ...] 

48 ped_min: int 

49 minimum of window for pedestal integration 

50 ped_max: int 

51 maximum of window for pedestal integration 

52 sig_min: int 

53 minimum of window for signal integration 

54 sig_max: int 

55 maximum of window for signal integration 

56 method: string 

57 method used for "integration" 

58 "sum" -> np.sum 

59 "trapz" -> np.trapz 


61 Returns 

62 ------- 

63 charges: np.array 

64 1D array with charges matching axis 0 of the waveforms array 


66 """ 

67 sig_ped_ratio = (sig_max - sig_min) / (ped_max - ped_min) 

68 if method == "sum": 

69 func = np.sum 

70 elif method == "trapz": 

71 func = np.trapz 

72 else: 

73 print("unknown method. try sum or trapz!") 

74 return None 

75 pedestals = func(waveforms[:, ped_min:ped_max], axis=1) 

76 signals = func(waveforms[:, sig_min:sig_max], axis=1) 

77 charges = -(signals - pedestals * sig_ped_ratio) 


79 return charges 



82def calculate_transit_times( 

83 signals, baseline_min, baseline_max, threshold, polarity="negative" 


85 """ 

86 Calculates transit times of signals 


88 Parameters 

89 ---------- 

90 signals: np.array 

91 2D numpy array with one signal waveform in each row 

92 [[signal1], 

93 [signal2], 

94 ...] 

95 baseline_min: int 

96 minimum of baseline calculation window 

97 baseline_max: int 

98 maximum of baseline calculation window 

99 threshold: float 

100 transit time is calculated when signal crosses threshold 

101 polarity: str 

102 'positive' if PMT signals have positive polarity, 

103 'negative' if PMT signals have negative polarity 


105 Returns 

106 ------- 

107 charges: np.array 

108 1D array with transit times matching axis 0 of the signals array 


110 """ 

111 zeroed_signals = ( 

112 signals.T - np.mean(signals[:, baseline_min:baseline_max], axis=1) 

113 ).T 

114 if polarity == "negative": 

115 transit_times = np.argmax(zeroed_signals < threshold, axis=1) 

116 elif polarity == "positive": 

117 transit_times = np.argmax(zeroed_signals > threshold, axis=1) 

118 else: 

119 print("polarity has to be 'positive' or 'negative'") 

120 return None 

121 return transit_times 



124def bin_data(data, bins=10, range=None, density=False): 

125 """ 

126 Calculates values and bin centres of a histogram of a set of data 


128 Parameters 

129 ---------- 

130 data: list or np.array 

131 1D array of input data 

132 bins: int 

133 number of bins of the histogram 

134 range: tuple(int) 

135 lower and upper range of the bins 

136 normed: boolean 

137 set to True to norm the histogram data 


139 Returns 

140 ------- 

141 x: np.array 

142 bin centres of the histogram 

143 y: np.array 

144 values of the histogram 


146 """ 

147 y, x = np.histogram(data, bins=bins, range=range, density=density) 

148 x = x[:-1] 

149 x = x + (x[1] - x[0]) / 2 

150 return x, y 



153def calculate_persist_data(waveforms, bins=(10, 10), range=None): 

154 """ 

155 Calculates 2D histogram data like persistence mode on oscilloscope 


157 Parameters 

158 ---------- 

159 waveforms: np.array 

160 2D numpy array with one waveform in each row 

161 [[waveform1], 

162 [waveform2], 

163 ...] 

164 bins: tuple(int) 

165 number of bins in both directions 

166 range: tuple(tuple(int)) 

167 lower and upper range of the x-bins and y-bins 


169 Returns 

170 ------- 

171 x: np.array 

172 x-bin centres of the histogram 

173 y: np.array 

174 y-bin centres of the histogram 

175 z: np.array 

176 z values of the histogram 


178 """ 

179 times = np.tile(np.arange(waveforms.shape[1]), (waveforms.shape[0], 1)) 

180 z, xs, ys = np.histogram2d( 

181 times.flatten(), waveforms.flatten(), bins=bins, range=range 

182 ) 

183 xs = (xs + (xs[1] - xs[0]) / 2)[:-1] 

184 ys = (ys + (ys[1] - ys[0]) / 2)[:-1] 

185 x = np.array([[x] * bins[1] for x in xs]) 

186 y = np.array(list(ys) * bins[0]) 

187 return x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten() 



190def calculate_mean_signal(signals, shift_by="min"): 

191 """ 

192 Calculates mean signals from several PMT signals with shifting the signals 

193 by their minimum or maximum to correct for time jitter 


195 Parameters 

196 ---------- 

197 signals: np.array 

198 2D numpy array with one signal (y-values) in each row 

199 [[signal1], 

200 [signal2], 

201 ...] 

202 shift_by: str 

203 shift by "min" or "max" of the signal to correct for time jitter 

204 Returns 

205 ------- 

206 mean_signal: (np.array, np.array) 

207 x and y values of mean signal 

208 """ 

209 rolled_signals = [] 

210 if shift_by == "min": 

211 f = np.argmin 

212 elif shift_by == "max": 

213 f = np.argmax 

214 else: 

215 print("can only shift by 'min' or 'max'") 

216 return None 

217 nx = signals.shape[1] 

218 xs = np.arange(nx) 

219 for signal in signals: 

220 shift = f(signal) 

221 rolled_signals.append(np.roll(signal, -shift + int(nx / 2))) 

222 mean_signal = np.mean(rolled_signals, axis=0) 

223 return mean_signal 




227def peak_finder(waveforms, threshold): # pragma: no cover 

228 """ 

229 Finds peaks in waveforms 


231 Parameters 

232 ---------- 

233 waveforms: np.array 

234 2D numpy array with one waveform (y-values) in each row 

235 [[waveform1], 

236 [waveform2], 

237 ...] 

238 threshold: float 

239 voltage value the waveform has to cross in order to identify a peak 


241 Returns 

242 ------- 

243 peak_positions: list(list(floats)) 

244 x and y values of mean signal 

245 """ 

246 peak_positions = [] 

247 I, J = waveforms.shape 

248 for i in range(I): 

249 peaks = [] 

250 X = 0 

251 x = 0 

252 for j in range(J): 

253 if waveforms[i][j] <= threshold: 

254 X += j 

255 x += 1 

256 if j + 1 >= J or waveforms[i][j + 1] > threshold: 

257 peaks.append(X / x) 

258 X = 0 

259 x = 0 

260 if len(peaks) > 0: 

261 peak_positions.append(peaks) 

262 return peak_positions 



265def find_nominal_hv(filename, nominal_gain): 

266 """ 

267 Finds nominal HV of a measured PMT dataset 


269 Parameters 

270 ---------- 

271 filename: string 

272 nominal gain: float 

273 gain for which the nominal HV should be found 


275 Returns 

276 ------- 

277 nominal_hv: int 

278 nominal HV 

279 """ 


281 f = h5py.File(filename, "r") 

282 gains = [] 

283 hvs = [] 

284 keys = f.keys() 

285 for key in keys: 

286 gains.append(f[key]["fit_results"]["gain"][()]) 

287 hvs.append(int(key)) 

288 f.close() 

289 gains = np.array(gains) 

290 hvs = np.array(hvs) 


292 diff = abs(np.array(gains) - nominal_gain) 

293 nominal_hv = int(hvs[diff == np.min(diff)]) 

294 return nominal_hv 



297def calculate_rise_times(waveforms, relative_thresholds=(0.1, 0.9)): 

298 """ 

299 Calculates rise times of waveforms 


301 Parameters 

302 ---------- 

303 waveforms: np.array 

304 2D numpy array with one waveform (y-values) in each row 

305 [[waveform1], 

306 [waveform2], 

307 ...] 

308 relative_thresholds: tuple(float) 

309 relative lower and upper threshold inbetween which to calculate rise time 


311 Returns 

312 ------- 

313 rise_times: np.array 

314 rise times 

315 """ 

316 mins = np.min(waveforms, axis=1) 

317 argmins = np.argmin(waveforms, axis=1) 

318 rise_times = [] 

319 for min, argmin, waveform in zip(mins, argmins, waveforms): 

320 below_first_thr = waveform > (min * relative_thresholds[0]) 

321 below_second_thr = waveform > (min * relative_thresholds[1]) 

322 try: 

323 first_time = argmin - np.argmax(below_first_thr[:argmin][::-1]) 

324 second_time = argmin - np.argmax(below_second_thr[:argmin][::-1]) 

325 except ValueError: 

326 first_time = 0 

327 second_time = 0 

328 rise_times.append(second_time - first_time) 

329 return np.array(rise_times) 



332def read_spectral_scan(filename): 

333 """Reads wavelengths and currents from spectral PMT or PHD scan 


335 Parameters 

336 ---------- 

337 filename: str 


339 Returns 

340 ------- 

341 (wavelengths, currents): (np.array(float), np.array(float)) 

342 """ 

343 data = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True, encoding="latin1") 

344 with codecs.open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f: 

345 dcs = f.read().split("\n")[-2].split("\t") 

346 wavelengths = data[0] 

347 currents = data[1] 

348 dc = np.linspace(float(dcs[-2]), float(dcs[-1]), len(currents)) 

349 currents = currents - dc 

350 return wavelengths, currents 



353def read_datetime(filename): 

354 """Reads time of a spectral PMT or PHD scan 


356 Parameters 

357 ---------- 

358 filename: str 


360 Returns 

361 ------- 

362 time: str 

363 """ 

364 f = codecs.open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") 

365 datetime_string = f.read().split("\n")[2] 

366 f.close() 

367 return datetime_string.split(" ")[1] + ";" + datetime_string.split(" ")[2] 



370def convert_to_secs(date_time): 

371 """Converts time string to seconds 


373 Parameters 

374 ---------- 

375 date_time: str 


377 Returns 

378 ------- 

379 unix time in seconds: int 

380 """ 

381 t = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, "%Y-%m-%d;%H:%M:%S") 

382 return t.timestamp() + TIMEZONE.utcoffset(t).seconds 



385def choose_ref(phd_filenames, pmt_filename): 

386 """Chooses reference measurement closest (in time) to the actual measurement 


388 Parameters 

389 ---------- 

390 phd_filenames: list(str) 

391 pmt_filename: str 


393 Returns 

394 ------- 

395 phd_filename: str 

396 """ 

397 diffs = [] 

398 pmt_time = convert_to_secs(read_datetime(pmt_filename)) 

399 for filename in phd_filenames: 

400 phd_time = convert_to_secs(read_datetime(filename)) 

401 diffs.append(abs(pmt_time - phd_time)) 

402 phd_filename = phd_filenames[np.argmin(diffs)] 

403 return phd_filename 



406def remove_double_peaks(peaks, distance=20): 

407 """Removes secondary peaks with a distance <= distance from the primary 

408 peak from 2D array of peaks 


410 Parameters 

411 ---------- 

412 peaks: 2D array of peaks 

413 distance: float 


415 Returns 

416 ------- 

417 new_peaks: 2D np.array 

418 """ 

419 new_peaks = [] 

420 for peak in peaks: 

421 mp = -(distance + 1) 

422 new_peak = [] 

423 for p in peak: 

424 if np.fabs(mp - p) >= distance: 

425 new_peak.append(p) 

426 mp = p 

427 new_peaks.append(new_peak) 

428 return np.array(new_peaks) 



431def peaks_with_signal(peaks, signal_range): 

432 """Returns peaks with at least one peak in signal_range 


434 Parameters 

435 ---------- 

436 peaks: 2D array of peaks 

437 signal_range: tuple(float) 

438 (min, max) of signal window 


440 Returns 

441 ------- 

442 peaks_with_signal: 2D np.array 

443 """ 

444 peaks_with_signal = [] 

445 for peak in peaks: 

446 got_signal = False 

447 for p in peak: 

448 if p > signal_range[0] and p < signal_range[1]: 

449 got_signal = True 

450 if got_signal: 

451 peaks_with_signal.append(peak) 

452 return peaks_with_signal 



455def estimate_kernel_density( 

456 data, kernel="tophat", bandwidth=0.02, n_sampling_points=200 


458 """Estimates kernel density of given data in order to avoid binning artifacts 


460 Parameters 

461 ---------- 

462 data: list or np.array 

463 1D array of input data 

464 kernel: str 

465 kernel to use for estimation ("tophat", "gaussian", etc.) 

466 bandwidth: float 

467 bandwidth of the kernel 

468 n_sampling_points: int 

469 number of sample points to return from distribution 


471 Returns 

472 ------- 

473 x: np.array(float) 

474 x-values of samples of distribution 

475 y: np.array(float) 

476 y-values of samples of distribution 

477 """ 

478 kde = KernelDensity(bandwidth=bandwidth, kernel=kernel) 

479 kde.fit(data[:, None]) 

480 x = np.linspace(np.min(data), np.max(data), n_sampling_points) 

481 y = np.exp(kde.score_samples(x[:, None])) 

482 return x, y 




486def align_waveforms( 

487 waveforms, baseline_min=None, baseline_max=None, inplace=True 

488): # pragma: no cover 

489 """ 

490 Subtracts the mean of (a part of the) waveforms from waveforms (individually) 


492 Parameters 

493 ---------- 

494 waveforms: np.array 

495 2D numpy array with one waveform in each row 

496 [[waveform1], 

497 [waveform2], 

498 ...] 

499 baseline_min: int 

500 index of minimum of window for mean calculation (included) 

501 baseline_max: int 

502 index of maximum of window for mean calculation (excluded) 

503 inplace: bool 

504 perform calculation inplace or not 


506 Returns 

507 ------- 

508 waveforms: np.array 

509 aligned waveform array 

510 [[aligned waveform1], 

511 [aligned waveform2], 

512 ...] 

513 """ 


515 if not inplace: 

516 waveforms = np.copy(waveforms) 

517 n, m = waveforms.shape 

518 for i in range(n): 

519 mean = np.mean(waveforms[i][baseline_min:baseline_max]) 

520 for j in range(m): 

521 waveforms[i][j] -= mean 

522 return waveforms