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1# !/usr/bin/env python 


3import numpy as np 

4from scipy.stats.distributions import poisson 

5from iminuit import Minuit 

6from .tools import gaussian 



9def fit_gaussian(x, y, print_level=1, calculate_hesse=False): 

10 """ 

11 Fit a gaussian to data using iminuit migrad 


13 Parameters 

14 ---------- 

15 x: np.array 

16 x values of the data 

17 y: np.array 

18 y values of the data 

19 print_level: int, default: 1 

20 0: quiet, 1: print fit details 


22 Returns 

23 ------- 

24 dict, dict: 

25 optimal parameters {"mean": mean, "sigma": sigma, "A": A} 

26 covariance matrix {("mean","mean"): cov_mean, ("mean", "sigma"): ...} 

27 """ 


29 def make_quality_function(x, y): 

30 def quality_function(mean, sigma, A): 

31 return np.sum(((gaussian(x, mean, sigma, A) - y)) ** 2) 


33 return quality_function 


35 mean_start = x[y.argmax()] 

36 above_half_max = x[y >= y.max() / 2] 

37 if len(above_half_max) == 1: 

38 sigma_start = np.abs(x[1] - x[0]) 

39 else: 

40 sigma_start = (above_half_max.max() - above_half_max.min()) / 2.355 

41 A_start = y.max() * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * sigma_start 

42 qfunc = make_quality_function(x, y) 


44 kwargs = {"mean": mean_start, "sigma": sigma_start, "A": A_start} 


46 m = Minuit( 

47 qfunc, 

48 pedantic=False, 

49 print_level=print_level, 

50 **kwargs, 

51 ) 

52 m.migrad() 

53 if calculate_hesse: 

54 m.hesse() 

55 return m.values, m.covariance 

56 return m.values, None 



59class ChargeHistFitter(object): 

60 """ 

61 Class that provides simple gaussian fit methods and 

62 fit of pmt response function to pmt charge histogram. 


64 Usage: 

65 fitter = ChargeHistFitter() 

66 # if fixed ped and spe is required for higher nphe measurements 

67 fitter.fix_ped_spe(ped_mean, ped_sigma, spe_charge, spe_sigma) 

68 fitter.pre_fit(x, y) 

69 fitter.fit_pmt_resp_func(x, y) 


71 Plotting the results: 

72 plt.plot(x, fitter.pmt_resp_func(x, **fitter.popt_prf)) 


74 """ 


76 def __init__(self): 

77 self.fixed_ped_spe = False 


79 def _calculate_single_gaussian_shape(self, n): 

80 popt = self.popt_prf 

81 A = poisson.pmf(int(n), popt["nphe"]) * popt["entries"] 

82 sigma = np.sqrt(n * popt["spe_sigma"] ** 2 + popt["ped_sigma"] ** 2) 

83 mean = n * popt["spe_charge"] + popt["ped_mean"] 

84 return mean, sigma, A 


86 def single_gaussian_values(self, x, n): 

87 """ 

88 Calculates single gaussian y-values corresponding to the input x-values 


90 Parameters 

91 ---------- 

92 x: np.array 

93 1D array of x-values the gaussian y-values should be calculated for 

94 n: int 

95 multiplicity of the gaussian the y-values should be calculated for 


97 Returns 

98 ------- 

99 y: np.array 

100 y-values of the gaussian 


102 """ 

103 mean, sigma, A = self._calculate_single_gaussian_shape(n) 

104 return gaussian(x, mean, sigma, A) 


106 def pmt_resp_func( 

107 self, x, nphe, ped_mean, ped_sigma, spe_charge, spe_sigma, entries 

108 ): 

109 func = 0.0 

110 for i in range(self.n_gaussians): 

111 pois = poisson.pmf(int(i), nphe) 

112 sigma = np.sqrt(i * spe_sigma ** 2 + ped_sigma ** 2) 

113 arg = (x - (i * spe_charge + ped_mean)) / sigma 

114 func += pois / sigma * np.exp(-0.5 * arg ** 2) 

115 func = entries * func / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) 

116 return func 


118 def pmt_resp_func_uap( 

119 self, 

120 x, 

121 nphe, 

122 ped_mean, 

123 ped_sigma, 

124 spe_charge, 

125 spe_sigma, 

126 entries, 

127 uap_mean, 

128 uap_sigma, 

129 uap_A, 

130 ): 

131 func = 0.0 

132 for i in range(self.n_gaussians): 

133 pois = poisson.pmf(int(i), nphe) 

134 sigma = np.sqrt(i * spe_sigma ** 2 + ped_sigma ** 2) 

135 arg = (x - (i * spe_charge + ped_mean)) / sigma 

136 func += pois / sigma * np.exp(-0.5 * arg ** 2) 

137 func = entries * func / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) 

138 func += gaussian(x, uap_mean, uap_sigma, uap_A) 

139 return func 


141 def fix_ped_spe(self, ped_mean, ped_sigma, spe_charge, spe_sigma): 

142 """ 

143 Fixes ped and spe in fit_pmt_resp_func and sets fixed parameters 


145 Parameters 

146 ---------- 

147 ped_mean: float 

148 mean of gaussian fit of pedestal 

149 ped_sigma: float 

150 sigma of gaussian fit of pedestal 

151 spe_charge: float 

152 charge of spe (spe_mean - spe_charge) 

153 spe_sigma: float 

154 sigma of gaussian fit of spe peak 


156 """ 

157 self.fixed_ped_spe = True 

158 self.popt_ped = {"mean": ped_mean, "sigma": ped_sigma} 

159 self.popt_spe = {"sigma": spe_sigma} 

160 self.spe_charge = spe_charge 


162 def pre_fit( 

163 self, 

164 x, 

165 y, 

166 valley=None, 

167 spe_upper_bound=None, 

168 n_sigma=3, 

169 print_level=1, 

170 calculate_hesse=False, 

171 ): 

172 """ 

173 Performs single gaussian fits to pedestal and single p.e. peaks 


175 Parameters 

176 ---------- 

177 x: np.array 

178 bin centres of the charge histogram 

179 y: np.array 

180 bin counts of the charge histogram 

181 valley: float (default=None) 

182 user set x position to split hisogram in pedestal and spe 

183 spe_upper_bound: float (default=None) 

184 user set upper bound for gaussian fit of spe peak 

185 n_sigma: float 

186 spe fit range starts at: 

187 mean of pedestal + n_sigma * sigma of pedestal 

188 print_level: int, default: 1 

189 0: quiet, 1: print fit details 

190 """ 


192 if self.fixed_ped_spe: 

193 popt, pcov = fit_gaussian( 

194 x, 

195 y, 

196 print_level=print_level, 

197 calculate_hesse=calculate_hesse, 

198 ) 

199 self.popt_gauss = popt 

200 self.nphe = popt["mean"] / self.spe_charge 

201 if self.nphe < 0: 

202 self.nphe = 0 

203 self.entries = np.max(y) 

204 self.n_gaussians = int(self.nphe * 2) 

205 if print_level > 0: 

206 print(self.entries) 


208 else: 


210 if valley is None: 

211 x_ped, y_ped = x, y 

212 else: 

213 cond = x < valley 

214 x_ped, y_ped = x[cond], y[cond] 


216 popt_ped, pcov_ped = fit_gaussian( 

217 x_ped, 

218 y_ped, 

219 print_level=print_level, 

220 calculate_hesse=calculate_hesse, 

221 ) 


223 if valley is None: 

224 if spe_upper_bound is None: 

225 cond = x > (popt_ped["mean"] + n_sigma * popt_ped["sigma"]) 

226 else: 

227 cond = ( 

228 x > (popt_ped["mean"] + n_sigma * popt_ped["sigma"]) 

229 ) & (x < spe_upper_bound) 

230 else: 

231 if spe_upper_bound is None: 

232 cond = x > valley 

233 else: 

234 cond = (x > valley) & (x < spe_upper_bound) 

235 x_spe, y_spe = x[cond], y[cond] 


237 popt_spe, pcov_spe = fit_gaussian( 

238 x_spe, 

239 y_spe, 

240 print_level=print_level, 

241 calculate_hesse=calculate_hesse, 

242 ) 


244 self.popt_ped = popt_ped 

245 self.pcov_ped = pcov_ped 

246 self.popt_spe = popt_spe 

247 self.pcov_spe = pcov_spe 

248 self.opt_ped_values = gaussian(x, **popt_ped) 

249 self.opt_spe_values = gaussian(x, **popt_spe) 


251 self.spe_charge = popt_spe["mean"] - popt_ped["mean"] 

252 self.nphe = -np.log(popt_ped["A"] / (popt_ped["A"] + popt_spe["A"])) 

253 if self.nphe < 0: 

254 self.nphe = 0 

255 self.n_gaussians = 10 


257 def fit_pmt_resp_func( 

258 self, 

259 x, 

260 y, 

261 n_gaussians=None, 

262 print_level=1, 

263 mod=False, 

264 strong_limits=True, 

265 fixed_parameters=["ped_mean", "ped_sigma"], 

266 ): 

267 """ 

268 Performs fit of pmt response function to charge histogram 


270 Parameters 

271 ---------- 

272 x: np.array 

273 bin centres of the charge histogram 

274 y: np.array 

275 bin counts of the charge histogram 

276 n_gaussians: int 

277 number of gaussians to be fitted 

278 mod: string 

279 if False: no modification 

280 "uap": fits an additional underamplified pulse gaussian 

281 print_level: int, default: 1 

282 0: quiet, 1: print fit details 

283 """ 

284 if n_gaussians: 

285 self.n_gaussians = n_gaussians 

286 if not mod: 

287 func = self.pmt_resp_func 


289 if mod == "uap": 

290 func = self.pmt_resp_func_uap 


292 self.used_fit_function = func 


294 def make_quality_function(x, y, mod): 

295 if not mod: 


297 def quality_function( 

298 nphe, ped_mean, ped_sigma, spe_charge, spe_sigma, entries 

299 ): 

300 model = func( 

301 x, 

302 nphe, 

303 ped_mean, 

304 ped_sigma, 

305 spe_charge, 

306 spe_sigma, 

307 entries, 

308 ) 

309 mask = y != 0 

310 return np.sum(((model[mask] - y[mask])) ** 2 / y[mask]) 


312 if mod == "uap": 


314 def quality_function( 

315 nphe, 

316 spe_charge, 

317 ped_mean, 

318 ped_sigma, 

319 spe_sigma, 

320 entries, 

321 uap_mean, 

322 uap_sigma, 

323 uap_A, 

324 ): 

325 model = func( 

326 x, 

327 nphe, 

328 ped_mean, 

329 ped_sigma, 

330 spe_charge, 

331 spe_sigma, 

332 entries, 

333 uap_mean, 

334 uap_sigma, 

335 uap_A, 

336 ) 

337 mask = y != 0 

338 return np.sum(((model[mask] - y[mask])) ** 2 / y[mask]) 


340 return quality_function 


342 qfunc = make_quality_function(x, y, mod=mod) 

343 self.qfunc = qfunc 

344 if self.fixed_ped_spe: 

345 entries_start = self.entries 

346 else: 

347 entries_start = self.popt_ped["A"] + self.popt_spe["A"] 


349 kwargs = { 

350 "nphe": self.nphe, 

351 "spe_charge": self.spe_charge, 

352 "spe_sigma": self.popt_spe["sigma"], 

353 "entries": entries_start, 

354 "ped_mean": self.popt_ped["mean"], 

355 "ped_sigma": self.popt_ped["sigma"], 

356 } 

357 if strong_limits: 

358 kwargs["limit_nphe"] = (0, self.nphe * 2) 

359 kwargs["limit_spe_charge"] = ( 

360 self.spe_charge / 2, 

361 self.spe_charge * 2, 

362 ) 

363 # kwargs["limit_spe_sigma"] = (0, self.popt_spe["sigma"] * 2) 

364 kwargs["limit_spe_sigma"] = (0, self.spe_charge * 0.8) 

365 kwargs["limit_entries"] = (0, entries_start * 2) 


367 for parameter in fixed_parameters: 

368 kwargs[f"fix_{parameter}"] = True 

369 if self.fixed_ped_spe: 

370 kwargs["fix_spe_charge"] = True 

371 kwargs["fix_spe_sigma"] = True 

372 kwargs["fix_ped_mean"] = True 

373 kwargs["fix_ped_sigma"] = True 


375 if mod == "uap": 

376 kwargs["uap_mean"] = self.popt_spe["mean"] / 5 

377 kwargs["uap_sigma"] = self.popt_spe["sigma"] / 5 

378 kwargs["uap_A"] = entries_start / 200 

379 kwargs["limit_uap_mean"] = ( 

380 self.popt_ped["mean"], 

381 self.popt_spe["mean"] / 3, 

382 ) 

383 kwargs["limit_uap_A"] = (0, entries_start / 100) 

384 kwargs["limit_uap_sigma"] = (0, self.popt_spe["sigma"] / 3) 


386 self.m = Minuit( 

387 qfunc, 

388 pedantic=False, 

389 print_level=print_level, 

390 throw_nan=True, 

391 **kwargs, 

392 ) 

393 try: 

394 self.m.migrad() 

395 except RuntimeError: 

396 self.success = False 

397 else: 

398 self.success = True 

399 # self.m.hesse() 

400 self.popt_prf = self.m.values 

401 self.opt_prf_values = func(x, **self.m.values) 

402 self.pcov_prf = self.m.covariance